Visit the website here 👉🏼 HasBean

Beginning 💡

When I was talking with my family about the recent finds of roasters and coffee beans, we’ve often noticed it was hard to keep track of the variety and numbers of information that was shared regarding this topic.

Pitching idea and making it real ☕️

As part of the final group project at Dev Academy, I pitched an idea which was inspired by this need of a coffee roasters, beans and cafe tracking app. This theme was selected and 6 members including myself was assigned to making this happen.

Some of the main functionality I wanted from the conversations I’ve had were:

  • To see which cafe serves what coffee roaster.
  • The variety of beans each roaster may have.
  • Store personal favourites and coffees tried.

Technology and process 🧑🏻‍💻

For our tech stack, we’ve focused on using what we’ve learnt during our time at Dev Academy but put additional challenges by introducing new libraries we can use to make some of the functionality in our app.

These are some of the things we’ve used…

  • React.js and Redux.js
  • SQLite via Knex.js for database
  • react-map-gl for the map interface on the front page
  • Express JS for Node.js for creating APIs and HTTP requests
  • Consuming external API via REST API for coffee information